MPA Mitarbeiter - (phone +49 89 30000 - xxxx)
Name | Telefon | Raum | Links | Extras | |
Wang, Chen Postdoktorandin |
| cwang@... | 145 | ||
Wang, Han Doktorandin |
| wanghan@... | 086 | | |
Weiss, Achim Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter |
| AchimWeiss@... | 303 | personal homepage (the institute is not responsible for the contents of personal homepages) | |
Weiss, Andreas Systemadministrator |
| andi@... | E1.14 | personal homepage | Betriebsrat am MPA, Gesamtbetriebsrat der MPG |
Werhahn, Maria Postdoktorandin |
| mwerhahn@... | 021 | ||
Westerkamp, Margret Doktorandin |
| margret@... | 014 | ||
White, Simon Emeritus Direktor |
| swhite@... | 321 | personal homepage (the institute is not responsible for the contents of personal homepages) |