Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen

Zeitschriftenartikel (6308)

Lovell, J. B.; Monsch, K.; Keating, G. K.; Wilner, D. J.; Edenhofer, G.; Gurwell, M.; Rao, R.: DECaPS and SMA Discovery of a Highly Inclined Class I Young Stellar Object with an Outflow: IRAS 08235-4316. ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL 169 (1), 51 (2025)
Yiheng, W.; Springel, V.: The Impact of Different Effective Models for Star Formation on the Properties of Simulated Milky Way-sized Galaxies. RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 25 (1), 015007 (2025)
Mukhin, A.; Krivonos, R.; Bikmaev, I.; Gorbachev, M.; Khamitov, I.; Sazonov, S.; Gilfanov, M.; Sunyaev, R.: Superflare on a rapidly-rotating solar-type star captured in X-rays. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY ASTROPHYSICS 45, S. 105 - 115 (2025)
Schweyer, T.; Sollerman, J.; Jerkstrand, A.; Ergon, M.; Chen, T. -. W.; Omand, C. M. B.; Schulze, S.; Coughlin, M. W.; Andreoni, I.; Fremling, C. et al.; Rau, A.; Sharma, Y.; Strotjohann, N. L.; Yan, L.; Graham, M. J.; Kasliwal, M. M.; Laher, R. R.; Purdum, J.; Rosnet, P.; Rusholme, B.; Smith, R.: SN 2019odp-A massive oxygen-rich Type Ib supernova. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 693, A13 (2024)
Bhirombhakdi, K.; Fruchter, A. S.; Levan, A. J.; Pian, E.; Mazzali, P.; Izzo, L.; Kangas, T.; Benetti, S.; Medler, K.; Tanvir, N.: The Redshift of GRB 190829A/SN 2019oyw: A Case Study of GRB-SN Evolution. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 977 (2), 256 (2024)
Bolamperti, A.; Grillo, C.; Caminha, G. B.; Granata, G.; Suyu, S. H.; Canameras, R.; Christensen, L.; Vernet, J.; Zanella, A.: Cosmography from accurate mass modeling of the lens group SDSS J0100+1818: Five sources at three different redshifts. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 692, A239 (2024)
Jaeger, J. A.; Reissl, S.; Klessen, R. S.: The radiative torque spin-up efficiency of ballistic dust-grain aggregates. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 692, A244 (2024)
Hutchinson-Smith, T.; Everson, R. W.; Twum, A. A.; Batta, A.; Yarza, R.; Law-Smith, J. A. P.; Vigna-Gomez, A.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.: Rethinking Thorne-Żytkow Object Formation: The Fate of X-Ray Binary LMC X-4 and Implications for Ultra-long Gamma-Ray Bursts. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 977 (2), 196 (2024)
Jung, G.; Aghanim, N.; Sorce, J. G.; Seidel, B.; Dolag, K.; Douspis, M.: Revisiting the CMB large-scale anomalies: The impact of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal from the Local Universe. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 692, A180 (2024)
Li, J.; Emonts, B. H. C.; Cai, Z.; Li, J.; Wang, R.; Villar-Martin, M.; Arrigoni Battaia, F.; Li, M.; Wu, Y.; Yoon, I. et al.; Lehnert, M. D.; Massingill, K.; Sarazin, C.; Prochaska, J. X.; Lacy, M.; Mason, B.: The SUPERCOLD-CGM Survey. II. [C I](1-0) Emission and the Physical Conditions of Cold Gas in Enormous Lyα Nebulae at z ∼ 2. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 977 (2), 198 (2024)
Takase, Y.; Vacher, L.; Ishino, H.; Patanchon, G.; Montier, L.; Stever, S. L.; Ishizaka, K.; Nagano, Y.; Wang, W.; Aumont, J. et al.; Aizawa, K.; Anand, A.; Baccigalupi, C.; Ballardini, M.; Banday, A. J.; Barreiro, R. B.; Bartolo, N.; Basak, s., S.; Bersanelli, M.; Bortolami, M.; Brinckmann, T.; Calabrese, E.; Campeti, P.; Carinos, E.; Carones, A.; Casas, F. J.; Cheung, K.; Clermont, L.; Columbro, F.; Coppolecchia, A.; Cuttaia, F.; D'Alessandro, G.; de Bernardis, P.; de Haan, T.; de la Hoz, E.; Della Torre, S.; Diego-Palazuelos, P.; Eriksen, H. K.; Errard, J.; Finelli, F.; Fuskeland, U.; Galloni, G.; Galloway, M.; Gervasi, M.; Ghigna, T.; Giardiello, S.; Gimeno-Amo, C.; Gjerlow, E.; Gonzalez, R. G.; Gruppuso, A.; Hazumi, M.; Henrot-Versille, S.; Hergt, L. T.; Ikuma, K.; Kohri, K.; Lamagna, L.; Lattanzi, M.; Leloup, C.; Lembo, M.; Levrier, F.; Lonappan, A. I.; Lopez-Caniego, M.; Luzzi, G.; Maffei, B.; Martinez-Gonzalez, E.; Masi, S.; Matarrese, S.; Matsuda, F. T.; Matsumura, T.; Micheli, S.; Migliaccio, M.; Monelli, M.; Morgante, G.; Mot, B.; Nagata, R.; Namikawa, T.; Novelli, A.; Odagiri, K.; Oguri, S.; Omae, R.; Pagano, L.; Paoletti, D.; Piacentini, F.; Pinchera, M.; Polenta, G.; Porcelli, L.; Raffuzzi, N.; Remazeilles, M.; Ritacco, A.; Ruiz-Granda, M.; Sakurai, Y.; Scott, D.; Sekimoto, Y.; Shiraishi, M.; Signorelli, G.; Sullivan, R. M.; Takakura, H.; Terenzi, L.; Tomasi, M.; Tristram, M.; van Tent, B.; Vielva, P.; Wehus, I. K.; Westbrook, B.; Weymann-Despres, G.; Wollack, E. J.; Zannoni, M.; Zhou, Y.: Multi-dimensional optimisation of the scanning strategy for the LiteBIRD space mission. JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS (12), 036 (2024)
Huber, S.; Suyu, S. H.: HOLISMOKES XII. Time-delay measurements of strongly lensed Type Ia supernovae using a long short-term memory network. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 692, A132 (2024)
Damiano, A.; Valentini, M.; Borgani, S.; Tornatore, L.; Murante, G.; Ragagnin, A.; Ragone-Figueroa, C.; Dolag, K.: Dynamical friction and the evolution of black holes in cosmological simulations: A new implementation in OpenGadget3. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 692, A81 (2024)
Galan, A.; Vernardos, G.; Minor, Q.; Sluse, D.; van de Vyvere, L.; Gomer, M.: Exploiting the diversity of modeling methods to probe systematic biases in strong lensing analyses. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 692, A87 (2024)
Canameras, R.; Schuldt, S.; Shu, Y.; Suyu, S. H.; Taubenberger, S.; Andika, I. T.; Bag, S.; Inoue, K. T.; Jaelani, A. T.; Leal-Taixe, L. et al.; Meinhardt, T.; Melo, A.; More, A.: HOLISMOKES XI. - Evaluation of supervised neural networks for strong-lens searches in ground-based imaging surveys. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 692, A72 (2024)
Susarla, S. C.; Chalumeau, A.; Tiburzi, C.; Keane, E. F.; Verbiest, J. P. W.; Hazboun, J. S.; Krishnakumar, M. A.; Iraci, F.; Shaifullah, G. M.; Golden, A. et al.; Nielsen, A. -. B.; Donner, J.; Griessmeier, J. -.; Keith, M. J.; Oslowski, S.; Porayko, N. K.; Serylak, M.; Anderson, J. M.; Brueggen, M.; Ciardi, B.; Dettmar, R. -.; Hoeft, M.; Kuensemoeller, J.; Schwarz, D.; Vocks, C.: Exploring the time variability of the solar wind using LOFAR pulsar data. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 692, A18 (2024)
Churazov, E.; Khabibullin, I.; Bykov, A. M.; Chugai, N. N.; Sunyaev, R. A.; Utrobin, V. P.; Zinchenko, I. I.: North Polar Spur: Gaseous plume(s) from star-forming regions ∼3-5 kpc from the Galactic Center? ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 691, L22 (2024)
Wempe, E.; Lavaux, G.; White, S. D. M.; Helmi, A.; Jasche, J.; Stopyra, S.: Constrained cosmological simulations of the Local Group using Bayesian hierarchical field-level inference. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 691, A348 (2024)
Groot, P. J.; Bloemen, S.; Vreeswijk, P. M.; van Roestel, J. C. J.; Jonker, P. G.; Nelemans, G.; Klein-Wolt, M.; Lepoole, R.; Pieterse, D. L. A.; Rodenhuis, M. et al.; Boland, W.; Haverkorn, M.; Aerts, C.; Bakker, R.; Balster, H.; Bekema, M.; Dijkstra, E.; Dolron, P.; Elswijk, E.; van Elteren, A.; Engels, A.; Fokker, M.; de Haan, M.; Hahn, F.; ter Horst, R.; Lesman, D.; Kragt, J.; Morren, J.; Nillissen, H.; Pessemier, W.; Raskin, G.; de Rijke, A.; Scheers, L. H. A.; Schuil, M.; Timmer, S. T.; Amaral, L. A.; Arancibia-Rojas, E.; Arcavi, I.; Blagorodnova, N.; Biswas, S.; Breton, R. P.; Dawson, H.; Dayal, P.; De Wet, S.; Duffy, C.; Faris, S.; Fausnaugh, M.; Gal-Yam, A.; Geier, S.; Horesh, A.; Johnston, C.; Katusiime, G.; Kelley, C.; Kosakowski, A.; Kupfer, T.; Leloudas, G.; Levan, A.; Modiano, D.; Mogawana, O.; Munday, J.; Paice, J.; Patat, F.; Pelisoli, I.; Ramsay, G.; Ranaivomanana, P. T.; Ruiz-Carmona, R.; Schaffenroth, V.; Scaringi, S.; Stoppa, F.; Street, R.; Tranin, H.; Uzundag, M.; Valenti, S.; Veresvarska, M.; Vuckovic, M.; Wichern, H. C. I.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.; Wijnands, R. A. D.; Zimmerman, E.: The BlackGEM Telescope Array. I. Overview. PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC 136 (11), 115003 (2024)
Park, S.; Shafieloo, A.; Bag, S.; Denissenya, M.; Linder V, E.; Ranjan, A.: Model independent approach for calculating galaxy rotation curves for low S/N MaNGA galaxies. JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS (11), 037 (2024)
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