MPA Mitarbeiter - (phone +49 89 30000 - xxxx)
Name | Telefon | Raum | Links | Extras | |
Kainz, Viktoria Doktorandin |
| viktoria@... | 016 | ||
Kauffmann, Guinevere Direktorin |
| gamk@... | 121 | ||
Komatsu, Eiichiro Direktor, Geschäftsführender Direktor |
| komatsu@... | 231 | personal homepage (the institute is not responsible for the contents of personal homepages) | |
Korol, Valeriya Postdoktorandin |
| korol@... | 183 | | |
Kraemer, Wolfgang Wissenschaftler in Pension |
| wpk@... | 124 | ||
Kratschmann, Gabriele Sekretärin |
| gabi@... | 224 | ||
Kresse, Daniel Postdoktorand |
| danielkr@... | 008 | Personal Homepage | |
Kurita, Toshiki Postdoktorand |
| ktosh@... | 252 |