Location: MPA, Garching

Neutrino Fast Flavor Conversions in Core-Collapse Supernovae

Institute Seminar

From Astronomy to the Auto Industry: my experience and (hopefully) useful tips for the transition

CarSem: MPA/MPE/LMU/ESO Joint Career Seminar - hybrid
For more CarSem events, our mailing list and slack channel, see our website: [more]

Interpretability of strong lens finding neural networks and implications for dark matter constraints

MPA Institute Seminar - Hybrid

Recent Developments in Clustering Analysis of Large-Scale Structure

ORIGINS Guest Talk - Hybrid

VFTS Collaboration Meeting

VFTS Collaboration Meeting
We are happy to announce that the next VFTS meeting will take place between the 27-29 of March 2023 at MPA in Garching by Munich. This is a closed meeting open to members of the VFTS collaboration and those who have received a personal invitation. [more]

Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters beyond a Self-similar Picture

High Energy Astrophysics Seminar

Kavli Summer Program In Astrophysics 2023: The lives, deaths and afterlives of interacting stars

Kavli Summer Program In Astrophysics 2023: The lives, deaths and afterlives of interacting stars
The study of stellar structure and evolution, the lives and sometimes explosive deaths of stars, has involved numerous insights into physics and astrophysics. This summer school will bring together experts in stars and their interactions, including specialists in relevant modern computational tools, to work together with the student fellows to improve our understanding of the physics, outcomes, and significance of stellar interactions. [more]

Parity Violation in Cosmology

Postdoc/Staff Lecture Series on Cosmology

Picture a Scientist

Welfare and Equity Group (WEG)
Discussion Documentary (Please watch before the meeting) [more]

Strong-lens search through deep learning with both high- and multiband low-resolution imaging data

MPA Institute Seminar

Opacities in action: Unraveling the nature of light variability in chemically peculiar stars.

SESTAS Seminar
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