In addition to the positions supported by MPA's core budget and advertised annually in October, postdoctoral research can be supported by the following channels:
Marie Curie Fellowships
For all citizens of EU Member States except Germany.
Marie Curie Fellowships provide European placements for pre and post-doctoral researchers, usually up to the age of 35, and for experienced researchers.
DFG research fellowships
For German researchers from all disciplines who have completed their academic qualifications (doctorate) or international researchers from all disciplines resident in Germany for several years who have completed their scientific training (doctorate).
DFG-Research Fellowships are intended to help early career researchers to conduct a defined project at a location of their choice in a country other than Germany and to use it as an opportunity to familiarise themselves with new research methods or to bring a large project to a conclusion.
Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
For all non-German researchers at the beginning of the academic career and only completed the doctorate in the last four years.
A Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers allows you to carry out long-term research (6-24 months) in Germany. Applicants choose their own topic of research and their academic host.
Europäische Kooperationen
Find out about European Cooperations of the Max Planck Society e.g. with France and Spain and European Research Area programmes here.
The regional EU Office Bavaria is located at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics. It assists scientists of Max Planck Institutes belonging to the Bavarian cluster in preparing project proposals and managing EU-funded projects by
disseminating information about EU programmes
providing advice and individual assistance
preparing project proposals according to programme requirements and rules for participation
Fast Track, the top-flight, intensive education program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, is offering 20 outstanding female postdocs an unrivaled opportunity. Working together with you, we will develop your skills and abilities in a series of intensive seminars over several days, smoothing your path to a leadership position in research
The pilot project Minerva Fast Track of the chemical-physical-technical section facilitates long-term career planning for excellent postdoctoral female scientists.
Minerva-FemmeNet is a network for female scientists in the Max Planck Society. Its aim is to pass on the expert knowledge of experienced female scientists – including former institute members – by mentoring junior female scientists.
Within the Elisabeth Schiemann Kolleg scientific members of the Max Planck Society foster the careers of excellent female scientists after their postdoc phase, helping them to succeed on their way to an appointment as a tenured professor or as a director of a research institution.
In the framework of the new Career Steps Network the MPG is offering several training programs for postdocs. All workshops are in English. Attendees will have to cover costs for travel and (in some cases) accommodation from MPA funds (or own funds, if available). Please contact Thorsten Naab or Simona Vegetti if you are interested.
Research services and tools for group leaders of the MPG This is a selection of services which might be useful for you, your group or your research. All services are exclusivly for researchers at the MPG.
This programme pursues the goal to support female Postdocs and scientists in their career development and to prepare them for leadership roles in modern academic life.
The MPA Career Seminar provides a forum for the discussion for relevant questions concering career. Astronomers and scientists who have had a stint in academia and either found a permanent research position in academia or made a change of career and now work in other fields, e.g., in the private sector, industry and consulting, talk about their experience with the job market.