Cosmology News

Prime Focus Spectrograph on Subaru Telescope to begin scientific operations in February       <br> 

Researchers have finished equipping the Subaru Telescope with a new special “compound eye” culminating several years of effort. This new instrument features approximately 2,400 fibers scattered across the extremely wide field of view available at the Subaru Telescope’s primary focus, allowing for simultaneous spectroscopic observation of thousands of celestial objects. This unrivaled capability will help researchers precisely understand the formation and evolution of galaxies and the Universe once it begins scientific operations in February 2025. more

Towards direct observation of large samples of intergalactic filaments in the early universe

The distribution of matter in the universe is predicted by supercomputer simulations to occur in a network of filaments, known as the "cosmic web", where galaxies form and evolve. The vast majority of this intricate structure is in the form of diffuse hydrogen gas, so rarefied that it is extremely challenging to observe it directly. A collaboration led by MPA researchers has targeted the active supermassive black holes of galaxy pairs at close separations to reveal the connecting filamentary structures of the cosmic web in the early universe. The results are promising and unveil evidence for such structures stretching between the observed pairs, ultimately providing excellent targets for future ultra-deep observations. more

<span><span><span><span>Unveiling the Universe at the field level</span></span></span></span>

The distribution of galaxies on large, cosmological scales holds important clues on the nature of dark matter, the properties of dark energy and the origin of our Universe. Yet, optimally retrieving this information from observations is challenging. MPA researchers are developing a novel analysis approach, where they follow the evolution of cosmic structures through their entire formation history. Enabling a very detailed comparison between theoretical models and observational data, this approach will allow measuring key parameters of dark matter and dark energy very precisely. more

Spirals, waves and gliding along

While concerned with massive objects such as neutron stars and black holes in her work, Martyna Chruslinska loves the lightweight feeling of figure skating in her spare time. more

If dark matter is fuzzy, then how fuzzy is it?  - A gravitational lens has the answer

Dark matter, which makes up over 80% of the mass in the Universe, does not absorb or emit light, interacting with light and normal (baryonic) matter only through its gravitational pull. The nature of dark matter is one of the major open questions in astrophysics and cosmology. One theoretical model for dark matter, known as fuzzy dark matter (FDM), is predicted to leave a very specific imprint on light that is bent around a massive galaxy in a phenomenon called gravitational lensing. By examining the radio light in a gravitational lens system observed at extremely high angular resolution, we have determined just how “fuzzy” the dark matter can be. more

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