Publications of the Computational Structure Formation group

Journal Article (1258)

Journal Article
Sorce, J. G.; Mohayaee, R.; Aghanim, N.; Dolag, K.; Malavasi, N.: Distortions of the Hubble diagram: Line-of-sight signatures of local galaxy clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 687, A85 (2024)
Journal Article
Verwilghen, P.; Emsellem, E.; Renaud, F.; Valentini, M.; Sun, J.; Jeffreson, S.; Klessen, R. S.; Sormani, M. C.; Barnes, A. T.; Dolag, K. et al.; Grasha, K.; Liang, F.-H.; Meidt, S.; Neumann, J.; Querejeta, M.; Schinnerer, E.; Williams, T. G.: Simulating nearby disc galaxies on the main star formation sequence - I. Bar formation and the building of the central gas reservoir. Astronomy and Astrophysics 687, A53 (2024)
Journal Article
Lucie-Smith, L.; Despali, G.; Springel, V.: A deep-learning model for the density profiles of subhaloes in IllustrisTNG. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531 (4), pp. 164 - 176 (2024)
Journal Article
Wu, Y.; Guo, H.; Springel, V.: Improving the Accuracy of Halo Mass Based Statistics For Fast Approximate N-body Simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531 (4), pp. 4944 - 4953 (2024)
Journal Article
Rantala, A.; Naab, T.; Lahén, N.: FROST-CLUSTERS - I. Hierarchical star cluster assembly boosts intermediate-mass black hole formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531 (3), pp. 3770 - 3799 (2024)
Journal Article
Neyer, M.; Smith, A.; Kannan, R.; Vogelsberger, M.; Garaldi, E.; Galarraga-Espinosa, D.; Borrow, J.; Hernquist, L.; Pakmor, R.; Springel, V.: The THESAN project: connecting ionized bubble sizes to their local environments during the Epoch of Reionization. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531 (3), pp. 2943 - 2957 (2024)
Journal Article
Steinwandel, U. P.; Dolag, K.; Böss, L. M.; Marin-Gilabert, T.: Toward Cosmological Simulations of the Magnetized Intracluster Medium with Resolved Coulomb Collision Scale. The Astrophysical Journal 967 (2), 125 (2024)
Journal Article
Koribalski, B. S.; Veronica, A.; Dolag, K.; Reiprich, T. H.; Brüggen, M.; Heywood, I.; Andernach, H.; Dettmar, R.-J.; Hoeft, M.; Zhang, X. et al.; Bulbul, E.; Garrel, C.; Józsa, G. I.G.; English, J.: MeerKAT discovery of a double radio relic and odd radio circle: connecting cluster and galaxy merger shocks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531 (3), pp. 3357 - 3372 (2024)
Journal Article
Monsch, K.; Lovell, J. B.; Berghea, C. T.; Edenhofer, G.; Keating, G. K.; Andrews, S. M.; Bayyari, A.; Drake, J. J.; Wilner, D. J.: High-resolution Pan-STARRS and SMA Observations of IRAS 23077+6707: A Giant Edge-on Protoplanetary Disk. Astrophysical Journal, Letters 967 (1), L2 (2024)
Journal Article
Cohen, J. S.; Fassnacht, C. D.; O'Riordan, C. M.; Vegetti, S.: General multipoles and their implications for dark matter inference. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531 (3), pp. 3431 - 3443 (2024)
Journal Article
Westerkamp, M.; Eberle, V.; Guardiani, M.; Frank, P.; Scheel-Platz, L.; Arras, P.; Knollmüller, J.; Stadler, J.; Enßlin, T.: The first spatio-spectral Bayesian imaging of SN1006 in X-rays. Astronomy and Astrophysics 684, A155 (2024)
Journal Article
Enßlin, T.; Weidinger, C.; Frank, P.: Attention to Entropic Communication. Annalen der Physik 536 (7), 2300334 (2024)
Journal Article
Zhang, C.; Zhuravleva, I.; Markevitch, M.; ZuHone, J.; Mernier, F.; Biffi, V.; Bogdán, Á.; Chakraborty, P.; Churazov, E.; Dolag, K. et al.; Ettori, S.; Forman, W. R.; Jones, C.; Khabibullin, I.; Kilbourne, C.; Kraft, R.; Lau, E. T.; Lin, S.-C.; Nagai, D.; Nelson, D.; Ogorzałek, A.; Rasia, E.; Sarkar, A.; Simionescu, A.; Su, Y.; Vogelsberger, M.; Walker, S.: Mapping the intracluster medium in the era of high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530 (4), pp. 4234 - 4255 (2024)
Journal Article
Chon, S.; Hosokawa, T.; Omukai, K.; Schneider, R.: Impact of radiative feedback on the initial mass function of metal-poor stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530 (3), pp. 2453 - 2474 (2024)
Journal Article
Delos, S. M.; Korsmeier, M.; Widmark, A.; Blanco, C.; Linden, T.; White, S. D. M.: Limits on dark matter annihilation in prompt cusps from the isotropic gamma-ray background. Physical Review D 109 (8), 083512 (2024)
Journal Article
Bhagwat, A.; Costa, T.; Ciardi, B.; Pakmor, R.; Garaldi, E.: SPICE: the connection between cosmic reionization and stellar feedback in the first galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531 (3), pp. 3406 - 3430 (2024)
Journal Article
Galarraga-Espinosa, D.; Cadiou, C.; Gouin, C.; White, S. D. M.; Springel, V.; Pakmor, R.; Hadzhiyska, B.; Bose, S.; Ferlito, F.; Hernquist, L. et al.; Kannan, R.; Barrera, M.; Delgado, A. M.; Hernández-Aguayo, C.: Evolution of cosmic filaments in the MTNG simulation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 684, A63 (2024)
Journal Article
Lahén, N.; Naab, T.; Szécsi, D.: Star clusters forming in a low-metallicity starburst – rapid self-enrichment by (very) massive stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530 (1), pp. 645 - 667 (2024)
Journal Article
Acharya, A.; Garaldi, E.; Ciardi, B.; Ma, Q.-b.: Cosmic variance suppression in radiation-hydrodynamic modelling of the reionization-era 21-cm signal. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 529 (4), pp. 3793 - 3805 (2024)
Journal Article
Choi, E.; Somerville, R. S.; Ostriker, J. P.; Hirschmann, M.; Naab, T.: The Origins of Gas Accreted by Supermassive Black Holes: The Importance of Recycled Gas. The Astrophysical Journal 964 (1), 54 (2024)
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