Room: MPE, big room 1.1.18b Location: MPE

"The evolution of massive stars: constraints from surface abundances"

MPE Seminar

"What can we learn about AGN coronae and jet launching?"

MPE High Energy Seminar

"A quest for young and energetic pulsars in the SMC: The case of IKT 16 & AX J0043-737

MPE High Energy Seminar

IMPRS talks to you - 1st Student Symposium

IMPRS talks to you - 1st Student Symposium

"New Avenues in Microwave Spectroscopy: Ultraspecific Chemical and Chiral Analysis on Earth and Beyond"

CAS Seminar

"The Long-Term Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei"

MPE High Energy Seminar

"Probing structure formation and cluster evolution in the outskirts of galaxy clusters"

MPE Talk

"Molecular shocks in the interstellar medium"

CAS Seminar

"Exploring transient detections with the WFI onboard Athena?

"Observations of Dust Disks around the Youngest Protostars: Characterizing Frequency, Dust Properties, & Magnetic Fields"

CAS Seminar

"New (radio astronomical) tools for fundamental physics"

MPE Seminar

"What the Sub-mm Variability of Embedded Protostars Tells Us about Accretion: Past,Present, and Future"

CAS Seminar
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