Room: MPA, old lecture hall 401 Host: MPA Location: MPA

Comparing predictions of the re-appearance of the multiply imaged supernova behind MACS1149.5+2223

Lensing Seminar

"Recombination physics and galaxy clustering"

MPA Institute Seminar

"Bayesian Component Separation"

Special Seminar

"Mergers of Galaxy Clusters and their Implications in Structure Formation"

High Energy Seminar

"Inferring the core-collapse supernova explosion mechanism with gravitational waves"

Special Seminar

"Understanding the ionized gas in galaxies -- simulations and observations"

MPA Visitor Seminar

"Parameter estimation from CMB data sets"

Cosmology Lectures

"HPC Architectures of the next generation"

MPA Talk

Mapping the accretion flow around black holes through X-ray reverberation

High Energy Seminar

"Hydrodynamics of the deflagration in the oxygen-neon-magnesium core: Sensitivity of the input physics to the collapse condition"

MPA Special Seminar

"Reheating After Inflation”

Cosmology Lectures

"Merger Shocks in Galaxy Clusters from Bow Shocks to Runaway Shocks"

High Energy Seminar
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