Room: online only Host: ESO

"From Reverend Bob Evans to the LSST: an evolution in supernova detection and followup – the PESSTO perspective"

ESO Web KES: Knowledge Exchange Series
As part of the ESO science activity, the Office for Science is glad to announce a new series of seminars called "Hypatia Colloquium" for the months February to June 2021. The seminars are given by astronomers at the early stages of their career, who were selected after a very competitive process. [more]

Exploring overdensities in the Milky Way halo using machine learning and RR Lyrae stars

ESO Hypatia Colloquium
As part of the ESO science activity, the Office for Science is glad to announce a series of seminars called "Hypatia Colloquium". The seminars are given by astronomers at the early stages of their career, who were selected after a very competitive process. [more]
As part of the ESO science activity, the Office for Science is glad to announce a series of seminars called "Hypatia Colloquium". The seminars are given by astronomers at the early stages of their career, who were selected after a very competitive process. [more]

Tutorial on Active anomaly detection for light curve catalogs

ESO AI Forum
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