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Journal Article (6155)

Journal Article
Ertini, K.; Folatelli, G.; Martinez, L.; Bersten, M. C.; Anderson, J. P.; Ashall, C.; Baron, E.; Bose, S.; Brown, P. J.; Burns, C. et al.; DerKacy, J. M.; Ferrari, L.; Galbany, L.; Hsiao, E.; Kumar, S.; Lu, J.; Mazzali, P.; Morrell, N.; Orellana, M.; Pessi, P. J.; Phillips, M. M.; Piro, A. L.; Polin, A.; Shahbandeh, M.; Shappee, B. J.; Stritzinger, M.; Suntzeff, N. B.; Tucker, M.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Kuncarayakti, H.; Gutiérrez, C. P.; Kozyreva, A.; Müller-Bravo, T. E.; Chen, T. -.; Hinkle, J. T.; Payne, A. V.; Székely, P.; Szalai, T.; Barna, B.; Könyves-Tóth, R.; Bánhidi, D.; Bíró, I. B.; Csányi, I.; Kriskovits, L.; Pál, A.; Szabó, Z.; Szakáts, R.; Vida, K.; Vinkó, J.; Gromadzki, M.; Harvey, L.; Nicholl, M.; Paraskeva, E.; Young, D. R.; Englert, B.: SN 2021gno: a calcium-rich transient with double-peaked light curves. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526 (1), pp. 279 - 298 (2023)
Journal Article
Barrera, M.; Springel, V.; White, S. D. M.; Hernandez-Aguayo, C.; Hernquist, L.; Frenk, C.; Pakmor, R.; Ferlito, F.; Hadzhiyska, B.; Delgado, A. M. et al.; Kannan, R.; Bose, S.: Gamma-ray emission from spectrally resolved cosmic rays in galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525 (4), pp. 6312 - 6335 (2023)
Journal Article
Borrow, J.; Kannan, R.; Garaldi, E.; Smith, A.; Vogelsberger, M.; Pakmor, R.; Springel, V.; Hernquist, L.: THESAN-HR: how does reionization impact early galaxy evolution? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525 (4), pp. 5932 - 5950 (2023)
Journal Article
Davis, D.; Gebhardt, K.; Cooper, E. M.; Bowman, W. P.; Castanheira, B. G.; Chisholm, J.; Ciardullo, R.; Fabricius, M.; Farrow, D. J.; Finkelstein, S. L. et al.; Gronwall, C.; Gawiser, E.; Hill, G. J.; Hopp, U.; House, L. R.; Jeong, D.; Kollatschny, W.; Komatsu, E.; Liu, C.; Niemeyer, M. L.; Saldana-Lopez, A.; Saito, S.; Schneider, D. P.; Snigula, J.; Tuttle, S.; Weiss, L. H.; Wisotzki, L.; Zeimann, G.: HETDEX Public Source Catalog 1—stacking 50,000 Lyman alpha emitters. The Astrophysical Journal 954 (1), 209 (2023)
Journal Article
Whittingham, J.; Sparre, M.; Pfrommer, C.; Pakmor, R.: The impact of magnetic fields on cosmological galaxy mergers - II. Modified angular momentum transport and feedback. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526 (1), pp. 224 - 245 (2023)
Journal Article
Abuter, R.; Aimar, N.; Seoane, P. A.; Amorim, A.; Bauböck, M.; Berger, J. P.; Bonnet, H.; Bourdarot, G.; Brandner, W.; Cardoso, V. et al.; Clénet, Y.; Davies, R.; de Zeeuw, P. T.; Dexter, J.; Drescher, A.; Eckart, A.; Eisenhauer, F.; Feuchtgruber, H.; Finger, G.; Schreiber, N. M. F.; Foschi, A.; Garcia, P.; Gao, F.; Gelles, Z.; Gendron, E.; Genzel, R.; Gillessen, S.; Hartl, M.; Haubois, X.; Haussmann, F.; Heißel, G.; Henning, T.; Hippler, S.; Horrobin, M.; Jochum, L.; Jocou, L.; Kaufer, A.; Kervella, P.; Lacour, S.; Lapeyrère, V.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Léna, P.; Lutz, D.; Mang, F.; More, N.; Ott, T.; Paumard, T.; Perraut, K.; Perrin, G.; Pfuhl, O.; Rabien, S.; Ribeiro, D. C.; Bordoni, M. S.; Scheithauer, S.; Shangguan, J.; Shimizu, T.; Stadler, J.; Straub, O.; Straubmeier, C.; Sturm, E.; Tacconi, L. J.; Vincent, F.; von Fellenberg, S.; Widmann, F.; Wielgus, M.; Wieprecht, E.; Wiezorrek, E.; Woillez, J.: Polarimetry and astrometry of NIR flares as event horizon scale, dynamical probes for the mass of Sgr A*. Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, L10 (2023)
Journal Article
Mannings, A. G.; Pakmor, R.; Prochaska, J. X.; van de Voort, F.; Simha, S.; Shannon, R. M.; Tejos, N.; Deller, A.; Rafelski, M.: Fast Radio Bursts as Probes of Magnetic Fields in Galaxies at z < 0.5. The Astrophysical Journal 954 (2), 179 (2023)
Journal Article
Ebagezio, S.; Seifried, D.; Walch, S.; Nürnberger, P. C.; Rathjen, T. E.; Naab, T.: CO and [C ii] line emission of molecular clouds: the impact of stellar feedback and non-equilibrium chemistry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525 (4), pp. 5631 - 5652 (2023)
Journal Article
Villaseñor, J. I.; Lennon, D. J.; Picco, A.; Shenar, T.; Marchant, P.; Langer, N.; Dufton, P. L.; Nardini, F.; Evans, C. J.; Bodensteiner, J. et al.; de Mink, S. E.; Götberg, Y.; Soszyński, I.; Taylor, W. D.; Sana, H.: The B-type Binaries Characterisation Programme – II. VFTS 291: a stripped star from a recent mass transfer phase. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525 (4), pp. 5121 - 5145 (2023)
Journal Article
Sato-Polito, G.; Kokron, N.; Bernal, J. L.: A multitracer empirically driven approach to line-intensity mapping light cones. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526 (4), pp. 5883 - 5899 (2023)
Journal Article
Reindl, N.; Islami, R.; Werner, K.; Kepler, S. O.; Pritzkuleit, M.; Dawson, H.; Dorsch, M.; Istrate, A.; Pelisoli, I.; Geier, S. et al.; Uzundag, M.; Provencal, J.; Justham, S.: The bright blue side of the night sky: Spectroscopic survey of bright and hot (pre-) white dwarfs. Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, A29 (2023)
Journal Article
Roberti, L.; Pignatari, M.; Psaltis, A.; Sieverding, A.; Mohr, P.; Fülöp, Z.; Lugaro, M.: The γ-process nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae - I. A novel analysis of γ-process yields in massive stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 677, A22 (2023)
Journal Article
Rodriguez, A. C.; Galiullin, I.; Gilfanov, M.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Khamitov, I.; Bikmaev, I.; van Roestel, J.; Yungelson, L.; El-Badry, K.; Sunyaev, R. et al.; Prince, T. A.; Buntov, M.; Caiazzo, I.; Drake, A.; Gorbachev, M.; Graham, M. J.; Gumerov, R.; Irtuganov, E.; Laher, R. R.; Masci, F. J.; Medvedev, P.; Purdum, J.; Sakhibullin, N.; Sklyanov, A.; Smith, R.; Szkody, P.; Vanderbosch, Z. P.: SRGeJ045359.9+622444: A 55 Minute Period Eclipsing AM Canum Venaticorum Star Discovered from a Joint SRG/eROSITA + ZTF Search. The Astrophysical Journal 954 (1), 63 (2023)
Journal Article
Reissl, S.; Klessen, R. S.; Pellegrini, E. W.; Rahner, D.; Pakmor, R.; Grand, R.; Gómez, F.; Marinacci, F.; Springel, V.: A reproduction of the Milky Way's Faraday rotation measure map in galaxy simulations from global to local scales. Nature astronomy 2023 (7), pp. 1295 - 1300 (2023)
Journal Article
Vynatheya, P.; Mardling, R. A.; Hamers, A. S.: Quadruple-star systems are not always nested triples: a machine learning approach to dynamical stability. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525 (2), pp. 2388 - 2398 (2023)
Journal Article
Nakai, Y.; Namba, R.; Obata, I.: Peaky production of light dark photon dark matter. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2023 (8), 032 (2023)
Journal Article
Alig, C.; Prieto, A.; Blaña, M.; Frischman, M.; Metzl, C.; Burkert, A.; Zier, O.; Streblyanska, A.: The accretion mode in sub-eddington supermassive black holes: getting into the central parsecs of Andromeda. The Astrophysical Journal 953 (1), 109 (2023)
Journal Article
Erb, D. K.; Li, Z.; Steidel, C. C.; Chen, Y.; Gronke, M.; Strom, A. L.; Trainor, R. F.; Rudie, G. C.: The circumgalactic medium of extreme emission line galaxies at z ∼ 2: resolved spectroscopy and radiative transfer modeling of spatially extended Lyα emission in the KBSS-KCWI survey. The Astrophysical Journal 953 (1), 118 (2023)
Journal Article
Arrigoni Battaia, F.; Obreja, A.; Chen, C.-C.; Nowotka, M.; Fumagalli, M.; Prochaska, J. X.; Yang, Y.; Cai, Z.; Muñoz-Elgueta, N.; Fossati, M.: JCMT/SCUBA-2 uncovers an excess of 850 μm counts on megaparsec scales around high-redshift quasars - Characterization of the overdensities and their alignment with the quasars' Lyα nebulae. Astronomy and Astrophysics 676, A51 (2023)
Journal Article
Farber, R. J.; Gronke, M.: Multiphase fragmentation: molecular shattering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525 (2), pp. 1839 - 1847 (2023)
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