Towards direct observation of large samples of intergalactic filaments in the early universe
The distribution of matter in the universe is predicted by supercomputer simulations to occur in a network of filaments, known as the "cosmic web", where galaxies form and evolve. The vast majority of this intricate structure is in the form of diffuse hydrogen gas, so rarefied that it is extremely challenging to observe it directly. A collaboration led by MPA researchers has targeted the active supermassive black holes of galaxy pairs at close separations to reveal the connecting filamentary structures of the cosmic web in the early universe. The results are promising and unveil evidence for such structures stretching between the observed pairs, ultimately providing excellent targets for future ultra-deep observations.
Galaxies are embedded in large reservoirs of gas bound to them by gravity, the so-called 'circumgalactic medium'. Like all gas in the universe, it mainly consists of hydrogen and helium with traces of other elements that are produced in stars and ejected from the galaxy disks in bubbles of hot gas or fast winds expanding into the circumgalactic medium. In turn, cool gas is funneled back into the galaxy in streams and can form new stars or feed the supermassive black hole at the galactic centre. Galaxies are not hermits though: large filamentary gas structures connect galaxies to their neighbours. This overall skeleton is called 'cosmic web' (see Monthly Highlight of June 2024), and galaxies can accrete additional material from its filaments to rejuvenate and grow. While simulations have explored this process very well, observational evidence of the filamentary cosmic web is sparse and mainly indirect, e.g. inferred from the observed position of galaxies in the local universe or by how the cosmic web absorbs light from bright background sources.

The areas where multiple filaments of the cosmic web intersect are called 'nodes', typically inhabited by the most massive galaxies. In the early universe, 11.5 billion years ago, these massive galaxies are commonly pinpointed by quasars – a brief phase in these galaxies’ life cycle, when matter falling onto their central supermassive black holes powers exceptionally luminous events that easily outshine all stars in their host galaxy. Therefore quasars can act as powerful natural 'cosmic flashlights': Their radiation can reach far into the circumgalactic medium and the surrounding cosmic web, lighting up the hydrogen gas at a specific ultraviolet colour, the Lyman alpha wavelength.
Researchers from MPA have now observed a sample of quasar pairs, i.e. two massive active galaxies in direct vicinity to each other, to unveil the Lyman alpha emission in their circumgalactic medium and in-between the galaxies (commonly referred to as 'Lyman alpha nebulae'). Extended emission is detected in most targeted systems (see example in Fig. 1) and the emission is preferentially aligned with the pair direction (see Fig. 2). These results are in line with expectations, if a cosmic web filament connects the two quasars and cool gas gets funneled directly from the filament through the circumgalactic medium down to the galactic disk.

Compared to other massive galaxies at this epoch, quasar pairs are embedded in smaller reservoirs of cool gas. Their circumgalactic medium actually resembles that of galaxies at a cosmic time one billion years later. Such an accelerated evolution might be caused by the rich environment inhabited by quasar pairs and/or by highly energetic processes connected to the accreting supermassive black holes, which could heat up the gas surrounding the galaxy and counteract the gas accretion.
This sample of quasar pair observations is the largest to date and represents the best collection of promising targets for directly studying the emission of the cosmic web in the early universe with future ultra-deep observations. More and more observations of the intricate web of cosmic filaments will become available in the near future.