"Meet the MPK Speaker"

Student Event

"Meet the MPK speaker"

Student Event

''Meet the speaker''

Muenchner Physik Kolloquium

Meet the speaker "Building planets - a journey along 40 orders of magnitude"

Muenchner Physik Kolloquium

Meet the speaker"Twisting DNA: The role of twist-bend coupling"

Muenchner Physik Kolloquium
  • Date: Dec 12, 2016
  • Time: 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Enrico Carlon
  • KU Leuven, Belgien
  • Location: LMU
  • Room: HU 123
  • Host: LMU/TUM

Meet the speaker - Particle physics beyond colliders

Muenchner Physik Kolloquium

Meet the Speaker: Frank Schreiber "Watching structure formation in real time"

Muenchner Physik Kolloquium

"When Physics Meet Medicine: Targeted Radionuclide Therapy of Cancer for Precision Oncology"

Muenchner Physik Kolloquium

"Retracing some key landmarks in the ultrafast world"

Muenchner Physik Kolloquium

"Probing neutrino mass and searching for sterile neutrinos with KATRIN

Muenchner Physik Kolloquium
16:00 - meet the speaker (for students) Seminarroom 3076 (upper floor) [more]
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