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AGN Catalogue


This catalogue contains the subset of 88178 emission line galaxies from the stellar mass catalogue that are classified as AGN as described in Kauffmann et al 2003, MNRAS, 346, 1055, "The host galaxies of active galactic nuclei"

22/11 - AGN catalogue updated to correct a problem with the RA & DEC values

Download the catalogue here and the accompanying text description here.

Column description

What Units
Column 1 Plate ID
Column 2 Mean Julian Date
Column 3 Fiber ID
Column 4 Right Ascencion in desimal degrees
Column 5 Declination in desimal degrees
Column 6 Redshift
Column 7 The logarithm of the [O III] 5007 luminosity Solar luminosities
Column 8 The logarithm of the extinction corrected [O III] 5007 luminosity Solar luminosities
Column 9 log [O III]5007/Hbeta
Column 10 log [NII]/Halpha
Column 11 Log (Stellar Mass) described here Solar masses
Column 12 Log Stellar Surface Mass Density Solar masses/kpc^2
Column 13 The concentration index (R90/R50)
Column 14 D_n(4000) (corrected for [Ne III]3869 contamination)
Column 15 Hdelta_A, emission corrected Ångström
Column 16 Velocity dispersion km/s

Fortran format

The following Fortran statement was used to write the file

           write(39,6)idpl,mjd,ifib, ra, dec, zz,  
     +     o3lum,o3corr, bpt1,bpt2, rml50, rmu,
     +     con, d4n,hda, vdisp                                        
 6       format(3i6,18f11.5)
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