GASS Project Team

Name Affiliation Specific tasks
D. Schiminovich Columbia Principal Investigator. Survey management, observing, HI follow-up
M. Blanton NYU HI follow-up, complementary analysis (SDSS, local comparison samples)
J. Brinchmann Leiden SDSS corollary analysis, spectroscopy follow-up
T. Budavari JHU Archiving, SDSS and GALEX corollary analysis
B. Catinella MPA Observing and data analysis lead, web development, ALFALFA, HI follow-up
A. Cooper MPA Observing, numerical simulations
S. Fabello MPA Observing and data analysis, ALFALFA data stacking
R. Genzel MPE CO follow-up
R. Giovanelli Cornell Coordination with ALFALFA, adaptation of ALFALFA software
T. Goncalves* CIT GALEX corollary analysis
J. Gracia-Carpio MPE CO follow-up
M. P. Haynes Cornell Coordination with ALFALFA, NVO data access
T. Heckman JHU SDSS and GALEX corollary analysis
D. Hogg NYU SDSS corollary analysis
C. Hummels* Columbia Observing, hydrodynamical simulations
B. Johnson Cambridge GALEX corollary analysis
G. Kauffmann MPA Theory, SDSS corollary analysis
R. Kennicutt Cambridge Complementary analysis (local comparison samples)
J. Lemonias* Columbia Observing, HI follow-up, GALEX corollary analysis
C. Li MPA Corollary analysis, theory
B. Madore OCIW Corollary analysis, optical follow-up
C. Martin CIT GALEX corollary analysis, spectroscopy follow-up
S. Moran JHU Observing, optical spectroscopy follow-up
R. Overzier MPA GALEX corollary analysis
M. Rich UCLA GALEX corollary analysis, spectroscopy follow-up
A. Saintonge MPE/MPA CO follow-up
L. Tacconi MPE CO follow-up
D. Thilker JHU HI follow-up, complementary analysis (GALEX, local comparison samples)
J. Wang MPA GALEX corollary analysis
V. Wild IAP Theory, spectroscopy follow-up
R. Wu CEA Observing, GALEX corollary analysis
T. Wyder CIT Complementary analysis (GALEX, local comparison samples)

* graduate student

Barbara Catinella
Last modified: Thu Nov 25 10:43:35 CET 2010